Dialectical Political Warfare Tactics

Podcaster Courtenay Turner did a long, in-depth conversation interview with UA President Stephen Coughlin to discuss the dialectical attacks used in political warfare. The discussion commences with a deep dive into the philosophical history of how the neo- Marxist refined the dialectic, beginning with Plato’s dividing line through the Hegelian, alchemical refinement of Plato &…

Active Measures Campaign Directed at American Christians

To Christian Evangelicals, take WARNING of an unrolling active measures effort directed at American Christians with a sense of national pride: you’re targeted for a dislocating attack. To my non-evangelical Christian friends, do not be fooled. This should not happen in America.     “Divide and conquer.” These are the days when Niemöller’s words are…

PART 1: Discourse Theory as Assessed in “Warning on Racism”

As discussed in “Warning on Racism,” Discourse Theory was identified as a tool that would be used to support Marxist “hate speech” narratives. The objective of hate speech is to suppress speech and publication “in advance of [their] actual expression” through intimidation that anticipates violence. As such, hate speech imposes prior restraint on those on…

PART 2: Discourse Theory in the Context of COVID19 Narratives

“I found from many observations that our liberals are incapable of allowing anyone to have his own convictions and immediately answer their opponents with abuse or something worse.” (today, we call this gaslighting) — Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Idiot, 1869   Leading up to COVID19, in “Warning on Racism,” in 2019, Unconstrained Analytics, Inc introduced a concept…

The Trimaran Brief: Marxism and why there is no “political middle”

UA’s Stephen Coughlin made a presentation to the American Freedom Alliance on August 16, 2021. In this video, after he gives updates on current events, he gives his “Trimaran Brief” which he first presented to senior officials on January 21, 2015. The things he warned about then are true today. Watch: – Short outtake: Intersectionality of…