The Political Warfare Taking Place in America

UA’s Stephen Coughlin was a guest on Secure Freedom Radio and talked about: The political warfare taking place within the United States at the moment How political correctness has penetrated the US military The role of Keith Ellison in the “counter-state movement” Ellison’s impact on the riots taking place in Minneapolis Ellison’s endorsement of the…

Requiem for Minnesota – When Does a State Become a Counterstate?

. ANTESCRIPT: As this assessment was about to be released, an African-American man died at the hands of Minneapolis police. The police officer’s action should be investigated, there should be trial, and justice should take its course. That said, the police killing an African-American in Minneapolis is severable from its political warfare exploitation—which was spring…

McChrystal, Information Warfare and Trump

Unconstrained Analytics, Inc. seeks to develop public awareness that political warfare is a form of warfare. It is in this context that we read that retired Special Operations General Stanley McChrystal will “deploy” information warfare technology in the domestic U.S. political arena even though, according to the Washington Post, this technology was “developed to counter…

Is President Trump suffering from the “Col Nicholson Syndrome?”

Is President Trump suffering from the “Col Nicholson Syndrome?” In Bridge on the River Kwai, after winning an intense war of wills vs the POW camp commander Col Saito (S Hayakawa), Nicholson (A Guinness), a prisoner, builds the bridge. But the bridge supports the enemy war effort. When theoretical models based on maximalist “scientific” projections…

The Matrix Explains Political Warfare Realities Part 3 – Pseudorealites Own Their Controlled Oppositions

By Stephen Coughlin Expanding on Morpheus’s point, so long as blue pill “allies” remain blue-pilled, they will always be controlled and, hence, they will always be a controlled opposition. Controlled oppositions are a prickly thing to discuss because, by necessity, they must touch where it hurts. Establishment Republicans are the principle controlled opposition identified in…

The Matrix Explains Political Warfare Realities Part 2 – Blue Pill People are Never on Your Team

By Stephen Coughlin When entering the matrix, Neo doesn’t waste time with “blue pill people.” They don’t matter. He only enters the matrix to engage it so that he can challenge the pseudoreality that enslaves the people. (As used here, “blue pill people” are those who chose the blue pill or were never qualified to…

The Matrix Explains Political Warfare Realities PART 1 – The Red Pill as a Pseudoreality

By Stephen Coughlin After sitting through my counter-terror briefing a few years back, a SEAL team dubbed it The Red Pill Brief. The name stuck. Perhaps no other movie more presciently foreshadowed the political climate we find ourselves in today than the 1999 release of The Matrix. A look at the iconic “Red Pill/Blue Pill”…

covid act now

Narrative Dominance in COVID19 Reporting – Updated

– UPDATED – April 6, 2020 In late March, The Federalist Society put out “Inaccurate Virus Models are Panicking Officials into Ill-Advised Lockdowns” by Madeline Osburn.  The article raises questions about the nature and quality of the information relied on by government decision-makers and media when reporting on COVID-19. On the same day, The Federalist’s…

Formation of a COVID19 Red Team – Updated

Updated 6 April 2020: Unconstrained Analytics, Inc recommends the formation of a Red Team to assess activities associated with the COVID19 Pandemic from a political warfare perspective. Download document: UA-Inc-Recommendation-for-a-COVID19-Red-Team 6APR20 (pdf)   INTRODUCTION Unconstrained Analytics, Inc recommends the formation of a Red Team to assess activities associated with the COVID19 Pandemic from a political…