Active Measures Campaign Directed at American Christians

To Christian Evangelicals, take WARNING of an unrolling active measures effort directed at American Christians with a sense of national pride: you’re targeted for a dislocating attack. To my non-evangelical Christian friends, do not be fooled. This should not happen in America.     “Divide and conquer.” These are the days when Niemöller’s words are…

Warning: The Left has deployed, Islamic Movement joining in

In November 2019, “Warning on Racism” explained that a united front of the Neo-Marxist Left and the Islamic Movement (IM) would use this year’s election cycle to engage in a full-scale political warfare assault on America, the Constitution, and the American people. “Requiem for Minnesota” explained why it would start in Minnesota. The Left has already deployed.…

Requiem for Minnesota – When Does a State Become a Counterstate?

. ANTESCRIPT: As this assessment was about to be released, an African-American man died at the hands of Minneapolis police. The police officer’s action should be investigated, there should be trial, and justice should take its course. That said, the police killing an African-American in Minneapolis is severable from its political warfare exploitation—which was spring…

Rich Higgins on Threats from Terrorism and Fake Media

UA’s Rich Higgins was interviewed by Americans for Intelligence Reform on a number of issues. Higgins: It’s really important to understand that the Left and Islamic organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood share a common end state which is the weakening and disenfranchisement of the core American political philosophy where the individual is the sovereign. –…

REPORT: The Killing Without Right: Islamic Concepts of Terrorism

Stephen Coughlin wrote this report in 2010: Introduction When the postmortems on the War on Terror (WOT) are written, among the issues in need of redress will be the destruction of strategic thinking and its replacement by fictions in the form of academic models or scripted war games that systematically admit only those facts that…

Former Egyptian Terrorism Official Exposes the Muslim Brotherhood’s Terror Networks

By Patrick Poole On my recent trip to Egypt, I met with Col. Khaled Okasha (ret), one of Egypt’s top former counter-terrorism officials, to discuss the developing security situation and to address a question that has received a lot of international media attention: Is the Muslim Brotherhood directly engaged in terrorism? Okasha, the director of…

The Muslim Brotherhood Claims Success in Strategic Information Campaign Targeting U.S. Congress and Government Official

Stephen Coughlin had a paper he wrote in February 2017 published in an Egyptian periodical in April. The following is the English version.   There are alarming indicators that the International Muslim Brotherhood (IMB) have successfully targeted America’s counter-terror policy with a sustained layered hostile foreign influence campaign supported by state actors, including Turkey, Qatar and Saudi…

Ten Arabic Words: A challenge to national security professionals engaged in the Global War On Terror

Ten Arabic Words: A Challenge to National Security Professionals

Former US Navy Officer and SEAL Matthew Bracken has thrown down the gauntlet to professionals in our government and the military who purport to be guardians of our national security: Ten Arabic Words: A challenge to national security professionals engaged in the Global War On Terror by Matthew Bracken If you are a politically-correct bliss-ninny…