The Matrix Explains Political Warfare Realities PART 1 – The Red Pill as a Pseudoreality

By Stephen Coughlin After sitting through my counter-terror briefing a few years back, a SEAL team dubbed it The Red Pill Brief. The name stuck. Perhaps no other movie more presciently foreshadowed the political climate we find ourselves in today than the 1999 release of The Matrix. A look at the iconic “Red Pill/Blue Pill”…

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Narrative Dominance in COVID19 Reporting – Updated

– UPDATED – April 6, 2020 In late March, The Federalist Society put out “Inaccurate Virus Models are Panicking Officials into Ill-Advised Lockdowns” by Madeline Osburn.  The article raises questions about the nature and quality of the information relied on by government decision-makers and media when reporting on COVID-19. On the same day, The Federalist’s…

Liberal Internationalists Are Turning On Central Europe’s Right Wing Governments, And It Looks Like They Have State Department Help

UA’s Stephen Coughlin wrote an op-ed in the Daily Caller: Globalists who have been most alarmed by President Trump’s “America First” agenda and its influence on NATO policy and dealings with Eastern Europe have turned to criticizing popularly elected conservative governments in Central Europe to push their cause. And they have allies in Congress. Case…

MEMO: Warning on Racism

A new, urgent UA memo by Stephen Coughlin: “This is not decay; it is organized destruction. Secularists, and their allies among the “progressives,” have marshaled all the force of mass communications, popular culture, the entertainment industry, and academia in an unremitting assault on religion and traditional values. We are told we are living in a…

Rich Higgins on Threats from Terrorism and Fake Media

UA’s Rich Higgins was interviewed by Americans for Intelligence Reform on a number of issues. Higgins: It’s really important to understand that the Left and Islamic organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood share a common end state which is the weakening and disenfranchisement of the core American political philosophy where the individual is the sovereign. –…

Forgotten Testimony: Manning Johnson Warns About Communism

In UA’s report, Re-Remembering the Mis-Remembered Left: The Left’s Strategy and Tactics To Transform America, the testimony of Manning Johnson to the House Un-American Committee (HUAC) in July 1953 is frequently quoted and referenced. Manning Johnson joined the US Communist Party in 1931 and worked as an Organizer in Buffalo, NY, until he transferred to…