REPORT: Exploiting Ignorance in the Post Subversion Phase

Stephen Couglin has written a new report, “Exploiting Ignorance in the Post Subversion Phase: Assessing “What ISIS Really Wants” in Light of the ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ Narrative.” In it, he analyzes The Atlantic article, “What ISIS Really Wants,” as well as the Foreign Policy article, “The Moderate Muslim Brotherhood.” Coughlin says that the Atlantic article supports narratives…


US Govt’s Failure to Identify Motives of Chattanooga Shooter

Patrick Poole was on Secure Freedom Radio discussing: The U.S. government’s failure to identify the Chattanooga shooter’s motives Contrasts between the Charleston and Tennessee shootings Why the U.S. government is ignoring Shariah ideology How the idea of “countering violent extremism” is dangerous and misses the point An assessment of Britain’s shifting policies towards radical Islam…


Is America Being Blindfolded in the Face of Jihad?

(Breitbart/National Security) If they’re saying it, it’s probably true–and the writing has been on the wall this entire time. That’s the underlying theme behind former Pentagon official Stephen Coughlin’s book, Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad. During a recent discussion at a private event hosted by the American Freedom Alliancein Los Angeles, Coughlin detailed the way…


Coughlin Slams Clinton’s ‘Assault’ On Free Speech

(Daily Caller) Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton put her willingness to defend the Constitution in serious doubt when she promised Islamic countries the United States government would intimidate Americans who violate their free speech code, national security expert Stephen Coughlin told The Daily Caller News Foundation. As Secretary of State, Clinton promised an international Islamic…


Coughlin on Obama’s ISIS Speech

Stephen Coughlin talks about President Obama’s remarks outlining his plan to defeat ISIS, ISIS being emboldened by the U.S.’ current strategy to defeat them, Ideological evidence that proves ISIS is acting under Islamic Law, and Dangers of speaking out against Sharia law in the United States on Secure Freedom Radio, July 8, 2015. Background: President…


Coughlin on Savage Nation

Michael Savage of Savage Nation radio show interviewed ‘Catastrophic Failure’ author Stephen Coughlin on July 7, 2015. Coughlin talks about Obama’s recent speech on ISIS and its ideology and how the Obama administration has prevented the US from learning the facts about ISIS ideology.

Stephen Coughlin on Glen Beck Show

The Importance Of Freedom of Speech

Glenn Beck and former intelligence officer & author Stephen Coughlin discuss Stephen’s new book “Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad” on Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV:

Book Reviews of Catastrophic Failure by Stephen Coughlin

Blindfolded America

Book review by William Kilpatrick published in Crisis Magazine: If you’ve ever noticed that U.S. policy in regard to the war on terror is confused, you’ll appreciate Stephen Coughlin’s just released book, Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad. The confusion is no accident, says Coughlin, but is the result of a deliberate…


Presentation to Vienna Academic Society

Stephen Coughlin’s presentation in May 2015 to the Vienna Academy Society regarding understanding Islamism and the radical left: Part One The Meaning of the Red Pill Part Two Saul Alinsky and the Radical Left Part Three Duty to Understand the “Quaranic Concept of War” Part Four Duty to Understand the “Quaranic Concept of War” (continued)…


Coughlin on NewsMax Prime

Former intelligence officer and author of “Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding American in the Face of Jihad” Stephen Coughlin talks about how Islamic extremists have infiltrated America and he claims wield influence at the highest levels of government.

Coughlin on BlazeTV

Glenn Beck interviewed Stephen Coughlin on BlazeTV-The Glenn Beck program about Coughlin’s new book, Catastrophic Failure. Watch the video (subscription based).