Day of Rage

Read an excerpt from Stephen Coughlin’s book, Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad, a chapter called Day of Rage: . “The soundest strategy in war is to postpone operations until the moral disintegration of the enemy renders the delivery of the mortal blow both possible and easy.” —V. I. Lenin, Russian Revolutionary…

Brief Analysis of the “Draft” Afghanistan Constitution

The following was written on 6 January 2004 by Stephen Coughlin when he was working at the National Military Command Center while also a student at the Joint Military Intelligence College (known today as the National Intelligence University): – The “Draft” Afghan Constitution (“Constitution”) exposes any future Afghan government to substantial vulnerability in the form…

REPORT: The Killing Without Right: Islamic Concepts of Terrorism

Stephen Coughlin wrote this report in 2010: Introduction When the postmortems on the War on Terror (WOT) are written, among the issues in need of redress will be the destruction of strategic thinking and its replacement by fictions in the form of academic models or scripted war games that systematically admit only those facts that…

US Govt’s Failure to Identify Motives of Chattanooga Shooter

Patrick Poole was on Secure Freedom Radio discussing: The U.S. government’s failure to identify the Chattanooga shooter’s motives Contrasts between the Charleston and Tennessee shootings Why the U.S. government is ignoring Shariah ideology How the idea of “countering violent extremism” is dangerous and misses the point An assessment of Britain’s shifting policies towards radical Islam…